Course Content
Lesson 1 – Human Body : The Food We Eat
Lesson 3 – Human body : The Digestive and Excretory systems
Lesson 4 : Plants in the Surroundings and Environment
Lesson 6 : Adaptation in Animals
Lesson 8 : Materials and Solutions
Lesson 10 : Measurement
Lesson 11 : Push and Pull
Lesson 12 : Friction as a Force
Class 4 – EVS
About Lesson

30/7/20             Human Body: The Digestive System and Excretory System- 3

Answer the following:

1. In which parts of the digestive system are carbohydrates digested?

A. In the mouth and small intestine the carbohydrates digests.

2. What is the function of the liver and pancreas in digestion?

A. These two organs produce digestive juices to the small intestine which helps in digestion process.

3. Why should we chew food well?

A. When we chew well the size of food pieces becomes smaller and digestive juices acts well on them also it helps in easy passage of food through the food pipe.

4. Define digestion.

A. Digestion is the process by which food is broken down into simpler substances which can be absorbed by the body.

5. Name the organs of the digestive system.

A. Mouth, food pipe (oesophagus), stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus. 

6. What is the function of the tongue in digestion?

A.  The tongue mixes the chewed food with saliva and makes the food easier to be swallowed.

7.How does including fibre in the diet help?

A. A diet rich in fibre helps in regular bowel movement.