Our management consists of team of sisters of St. Joseph’s Congregation, envisage the possibilities of growth of our school and brings about desirable changes. They support the entire team of Marian family and guide them. With the blessings of Almighty along with the prayerful & dedicated life of our sisters, our institution is one of the best ICSE & ISC school in the city of Kozhikode.


Sister Superior                        :   Sr. Dani SJC

Manager  & UP Incharge         :   Sr. Soly SJC

Accountant                              :   Sr. Basil SJC        

Principal                                  :   Sr. Anice SJC

Secondary School H.M            :   Sr. Flavia SJC

Primary School H.M                :    Sr. Yeldha SJC                  

Kindergarten H.M                    :    Sr. Neena SJC