To foster the values among students/teachers, we organise various programmes and activities. Value education classes are conducted for students along with the daily curriculum transaction. Special workshops/classes are arranged for children on the same thereby imbibing the true spirit of values to be followed in life that leads to enlightenment. Prayer service for all students appearing for ICSE/ISC exams is organised before the beginning of the exam so as to help them write the exams with God’s grace and without any tensions. We pray for their success in exams too. Daily reflections are given before the closing prayer so as to make students reflect that day. Meditation sessions are organised once a month with perfect silence and soothing music and words that make our family fresh for the days ahead. Holy mass is organised in the school chapel before each term exam and offers prayers for all our students to face exams in a befitting manner by confidence. In addition to regular classes, moral classes are conducted for the student’s parents & teachers. One or two times there will be spiritual and academic orientation programs arranged in the school for them.