Principal Rev. Sr. Anice SJC - St Marys School, Chevarambalam, Calicut

“Be a Rainbow in Someone’s Life” is the theme of 2024

Life, much like the weather, often presents us with cloudy days. Periods of challenges, uncertainties, and storms can cast a shadow on our spirits. But amidst the gray, there’s always the potential for a rainbow. A symbol of hope, beauty, and resilience.

Let our school be that rainbow in someone’s life. Let us reflect upon 7 colours of rainbow and about white as well to live the theme of year 2024.

 * Red: Be passionate about learning. Let your enthusiasm ignite curiosity and inspire others.

 * Orange: Cultivate optimism. See challenges as opportunities and approach every day with a positive outlook.

 * Yellow: Embrace happiness and joy. Let your laughter and kindness brighten the lives of those around you.

 * Green: Nurture growth. Be open to new ideas, experiences, and perspectives.

 * Blue: Foster peace and tranquility. Create a harmonious environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

 * Indigo: Encourage creativity and imagination. Let your unique talents and ideas flourish.

 * Violet: Exhibit wisdom and understanding. Be a source of guidance and support for your peers.

*White: It is the color of blank paper, a fresh canvas, and new beginnings. Your dealings with friends may bring hope, optimism, and the potential for growth.

Together, we can create a vibrant and supportive school community where every student feels valued and empowered. Let’s strive to be the rainbow that brings light and color into the lives of others.
“With light to the world”.
Best Wishes,
Principal, Rev. Sr. Anice, SJC

Welcome to St.Mary’s English Medium School, an ICSE / ISC Gurukulam which is our dream. The purpose of education is to create lifelong learners, to tackle the problems of society, to overcome the hurdles of life, to support and to care for each other. It is to mould a human than to mint money. Through making an impact in the society, by influencing the society, each one will be remembered in the years to come. This will help the entire society to grow in geometric progression, I mean extraordinary growth, in terms of wealth, character and education. In that world, we just see only positivity. We expect our children to be Global Citizens.

            In St.Mary’s, we advocate, each one to be true MARIANS. The curriculum and pedagogy are set to achieve all-round development. Year’s calendar shows a complete balance of curricular and co-curricular activities. This will help the student to grow to his/her fullest potential. Information and communication technology (ICT) in education, enhances, supports, optimizes the learning of children with multiple intelligence. We provide the best teaching-learning scenario via a digital classroom for each lesson.

            Our strength is our enthusiastic, vibrant children, professionally trained, competent, passionate educators, as well as dedicated non-teaching staff. As we work closely and collaboratively with parents, our PTA is the right hand with all constructive ideas. St.Joseph’s congregation wholeheartedly supports all proposals which are meant for humanity.

            We believe that the visionary, our Founder Servant of God Rev.Fr.Thomas Poothathil,  Our heavenly patroness Mother Mary and above all Almighty God lead us throughout. Bowing before divine presence, we request each one of yours prayerful support to fulfil our motto “With light to the world”

Best Wishes

PrincipalRev. Sr. Anice SJC

St.Mary’s English Medium School

(An ICSE / ISC Gurukulam )

Affiliation No. Ke089

Spiritual therapy a message from the Principal

The world is very large and every individual carries a tiny and exact copy of the world around. It is nothing but our own inner state of mind. This world of human being, though its origin is divine has faced degradation in the value system. So the world cries from the grip of negativity. Hence the world is in need of spiritual treatment. The time needs liberation from the bondage of the grip of negativity and declining values. Spiritual therapy would be the best solution in this regard. I (as an individual with a copy of the world around) must develop adherence to some values in my own life that would lead me to develop lasting values.

Every human being is created in the image and likeness of God. Human persons bear divine qualities of love, peace, truth, joy, etc. So as a human being my original identity comes from God. They are medicines for healing the sick world. From my experience, if I say, the presence of God enables us to develop these qualities of the soul. Keeping companionship and friendship with God, my original qualities of love, peace and joy will be multiplied. I believe that it is possible to bring about transformation in the world by allowing ourselves to become channels of God’s power in this way (of leading a value-based life). I am sure the things such as an intolerant opposition, a confusing situation, a moment of rejection, etc. can be handled harmoniously with the spiritual power. Such power brings about changes within and around the world. It leads me to a state of liberation. Here I overcame the weakness of being a negative person.

You might have heard that “the power of prayer enables one to work miracles”. Yes the power of love and peace, the power of truth and joy, which are already within us, would be multiplied in the Divine presence. It can be used to transform the world. I can raise the sick world to an experience of healing. Each individual has this healing power hidden in him/her. We have to explore this power by the weapon of divine thoughts. The beautiful designs of a flower, the innocent smile of a baby, the splendour of the rising sun and the patting of the cold breeze…. will they not take us to such divine moments? Yes, let us treat and transform our own world around, by this spiritual therapy of developing values in our life.

Rev. Sr. Anice, SJC