Our Inspiration and Motto


The school is dedicated to Blessed Virgin Mary. She is our inspiration and guiding light. Her commitment to the Almighty inspires us to be simple, humble and obedient to the will of God. We bow our head before the saintly memories our founder (SJC) servant of God Fr. Thomas Poothathil, from whom we have imbibed the vision to “LOVE AND SERVE”.


Father Thomas Poothathil

Father Thomas Poothathil - Servant of God

We the St Joseph’s Sisters, are committed to the Lord, for the mission of Loving and Serving which we have imbibed from our founder Late Rev. Fr. Thomas Poothathil – Servant of God. Through all our educational institutions, we mould innumerable young people for a prosperous future and help them to light the lamp in the hearts of the people around. Love, Serve and Light is the motto of St Joseph’s Educational and Charitable Trust which was formed in the year 2002 for the purpose of running all our educational institutions in the Malabar region.  

St.Mary’s English Medium School is a nurturing ground for the child’s holistic development with the motto “WITH LIGHT TO THE WORLD” which leads Marians to Love,Serve and Light. This school is open to all, irrespective of religion, caste or community, paying due respect to their religious feelings and freedom of conscience. The school aims not merely at preparing its pupils to qualify for the board examination but also in developing their character and personality through graded responsibility, personal guidance and social awareness, thus forming them into leaders in the intellectual and civil life of the country.