Class 3 – Social Science
About Lesson

Copy new words on page number 114 under the heading define the following. 

Answer the following. 

1. What is a globe ?

Ans. A globe is a model of the earth. It shows where the land and water are on the earth. 

2. Differentiate between map and globe. 

Ans. Globe                              Map

• round in shape                 • flat in shape 

• difficult to carry                • easy to carry 

• gives information             • gives more 

                                                 Information than 


3. Why are the lines drawn on maps ?

Ans. The lines are drawn on map to find the places on them easily. 

4. Why is an index useful in an atlas  ?

Ans. An index is  useful in an atlas because it helps us to find places in maps. 

5. Which direction does the needle of a compass point towards  ?

Ans. The needle of a compass always points north.
