31/12/2020 Air -14
Answer the following:
1. How do you know there is air around you?
A. We can feel air when it moves.
2. What is wind?
A. Moving air is called wind.
3. Name the three properties of air.
A. 1. Air takes up space.
2. Air has weight
3. Air expands on heating
4. How can we reduce air pollution?
A. 1. We should avoid burning things
2. We should avoid using cars and try using bus or train.
5. Mention two things you should do to avoid spreading a cold.
A. 1. Use handkerchief or tissue when sneezing.
2. Wash hands with soap and water.
Text book: Page 79
Answer :A .Complete sentence
1. air occupies space
2. air has weight
3. air expands on heating