Inter school quiz competition named “MARIAN MIND SPARKS”

 Fr. Thomas Poothathil Memorial inter school Quiz competition “MARIAN MIND SPARKS”2020. There were 31 schools in UP category  & 33 schools in HS category.

The Priliminary round was conducted by our Quiz master Rev. Fr. Aji Puthiyaparambil, Director of Alpha Academy. For the inaugural ceremony,  the Chief guest  was Mr. Shibu F Paul, S I of Chevayur police station and he inaugurated the program by lightning the lamp. The inaugural dance was awesome. There was also a digital presentation of the ‘life of Fr. Thommiyachan’. The closing ceremony began at 1 pm. The chief guest was Adv. Abraham Joseph Thadathil, Prize were given by the dignitaries. The winners got a Trophy and cash award of Rs. 3000/-. The first runner-up got a Trophy & Rs. 2000/-. The second runner-up got cash award of Rs. 1500/-. All the participants were given certificates.

The results were as as follows:-

U P – first prize : St. Marys English Medium School, Chevaramabalm.

2nd prize- Bharathiya Vidhya Bhavan, Chevayur.

3rd Prize- St. Joseph’s Junior School, Kozhikode.

HS  – 1st Prize – Savio HSS, Devagiri, Kozhikode.

2nd Prize- St. Joseph’s Boys HSS, Kozhikode

3rd Prize- Presentation HSS , Chevayur, Kozhikode 

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